Lindy Sellers; CIC
Certified Image Consultant

Color Analysis
Want to find out what colors make you look healthier, younger and more vibrant?
During your color consultation, I will compare different color drapes to determine the warmth or coolness of your skin and will match coded color coordinates to your skin, hair and eyes to determine your unique color harmony.
You will find your very own harmony of colors for wardrobe and makeup.
Includes Color Analysis; Customized Color Palette, and Cosmetic Recommendations.
$149 Investment
Style Advice/ Silhouette Analysis
Discover the best clothing, accessories, eyeglasses, and hairstyles for your face and body shape. Learn how to enhance your best features, de-emphasize figure flaws, and add or minimize height and weight. Learn what clothing qualities to look for, and how to coordinate a versatile wardrobe. You will receive a personal guidebook written for you about you and a lesson to help you use it.
Includes a book, written just for you!
$159 Investment
Live Far away or don’t want to make the drive?
No problem, We can do color and silhouette analysis virtually!

I had so much fun working with Lindy to get my analysis done. I have had the privilege of knowing Lindy for over a decade. I never saw her when I wasn’t impressed with her style. I was thrilled when she began taking clients. She made the entire process so interesting and easy. I was excepting a sheet of basic information, but Lindy went way above and beyond (as always!). I loved having photos, descriptions, and examples to fall back upon. I would strongly encourage anyone wanting to look their best to reach out to Lindy. – Brooke Atkinson, CPM
Surprised, excited, and thrilled are the three words that come to mind after having my colors analyzed by Lindy.
I look so much better in my wardrobe choices now and the best part is, I don’t spend nearly as much money!
– Kate Clark
This is fascinating! I never knew all that much about colors and how they could make or break your appearance. SO glad I had Lindy do my analysis. —Joanne Markum
After gaining a few extra pounds, I felt like I was invisible and frumpy. I wore a lot of clothing styles that were tent like in appearance and totally hid my figure.
I had my color and figure analysis done by Lindy, as a gift to myself, and it is the gift that keeps on giving!
Lindy showed me that by mixing styles and colors that are right for “ME”, my figure is not so frumpy after all and I am no longer invisible when I wear my most flattering colors close to my face.
I would recommend that every woman invests in this gift to herself.
-Carrie Seacrest