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It all started with a bag of vintage dresses…

My friend, Kim Linker, knows I love vintage items.  Especially clothing. A couple of years ago, she gave me a bag full of old, handmade dresses from the 1940s-1960s.  They were lovely and after I went through them, I put them in the attic to do something with- someday.

Earlier this year, my 15-year-old daughter was rummaging through the attic and happened upon that bag.  She brought it down and went through it in my bedroom, found one she liked and wore it to a club meeting.  Everyone thought the dress was so pretty and special because it was vintage. Later that day as I was packing up the bag to once again take it upstairs, I got the idea that it would be fun to do a photoshoot at our old farmhouse, wearing the dresses.  I had to twist her arm to do it, but the next day we washed and ironed 10 of them and wore them for a photo shoot.

When I shared the photos on a vintage sewing group that I belong to, one of the ladies suggested that I make a calendar of my daughter and me and save it for my future grandchildren.
That lady’s suggestion is where the idea for the Locust Calendar was born!

Knowing that Locust would be celebrating their 150th birthday in September, I had the idea to gather local folks from the area and have them wear the dresses while doing old-timey things.  I imagined the photos being artfully and tastefully cultivated, then featured in a calendar to commemorate the event.

The first person I called was Judy Talley; her childhood home sits behind her quilt shop and I thought it would make the perfect backdrop for a photo of her and her grandchildren.  When Judy quickly said “I love it, yes!  I’ll do it!” I knew I might be on to something beautiful!

In order to make a project like this come together as smoothly as this one did, you have to have some help.

Gary & Kendra Tucker from the Locust Historical Museum bought their own period costumes, donated their Chevy for a photo and let us take their picture in front of Kendra’s Grandparents homestead. They also donated a vintage Baseball Uniform that belonged to Ernie Linker’s own father to wear in a photo.

Alisha & Randy Drye bought vintage clothing from eBay to make sure they would fit into the 1950’s period for the Barbershop picture.

Scott Efird donated his granddaddy’s tractor, a vintage Chevy and his parent’s house for a backdrop.

Velvet Linker let us use her beautiful farm as a backdrop.

Kimberly Allen and Ruby Dubay bought vintage clothing for their children to wear in the ice cream picture.

Iris Alexander came dressed for her photograph at the church in a gorgeous vintage dress from her own collection.

Dr. Ess was a good sport when I asked him to dress like I cool guy from the 1950s.

Ernie Linker willingly dressed in a hot, wool baseball uniform.

Heather Rushing Chaney made time in her busy schedule to come out to my home and have her picture made.

My three teenagers modeled for me on the front porch of our old house, built-in 1915.

Debbie & Rudi Heath were great sports, wearing vintage clothing and playing the part so well and the Judy Tally Family generously donated their time and property to have their portraits made!

I could not have done this without them!

*All profits will go towards the purchase and distribution of books for Stanly County Pre-Schoolers.