Home Remodel Before/ After
There are quite a few pictures in this post. I hope they load quickly for you.
The house was built in 1915 and didn’t have an indoor bathroom until the 1930s.
We purchased it in 2006 and replaced the carpet with new flooring, and painted the walls. We didn’t do a lot to it back then because we knew it would be a temporary dwelling. Our family lived there for two years while our home was being built on the property.
Over the years, we’ve had three long-term renters, and they painted and fixed the house up to their liking. Around 2017, our long-term renters moved out, and we discovered that the floor in the living room was in disrepair and needed replacing. The house sat empty for several years until we saved the funds to fix it.
Finally, we were able to get to work on it late last year, and I am so happy with how it looks!
Take a look at the photos below!
The first set of pictures is before, and the second grouping is after the remodel.

We put vinyl siding on the house and painted the brick.

Below are the after photos. It is hard to see from the pictures, but there was a living room, a small bedroom, and a kitchen, all separated by two walls. You had to pass through the small bedroom to get to the kitchen. We wanted to make the space bigger, so we knocked out two walls to open the area up and make it much nicer!